
Social Media: Managing Your Mental Health

It’s in the news that social media, especially TikTok, can have a negative impact on our mental health, making us feel anxious, depressed, and lonely. But did you know that you can use Stoic principles to help manage these feelings?

Stoic philosopher dancing on social media
Stoic philosopher dancing on TikTok

Stoic Principles for Social Media Use

The Stoics believed in focusing on what we can control and letting go of what we can’t. When it comes to social media, this means recognizing that we can’t control how others use it, the content they post, or what they say about us, but we can control our own reactions to it. By focusing on our own values and goals, we can use social media in a way that aligns with what’s important to us.

Another important Stoic principle is mindfulness and self-reflection. By taking time to reflect on our thoughts and emotions, we can better understand how social media is affecting us and make conscious choices about how we use it. Mindfulness can also help us identify when we’re becoming overly reactive or compulsive in our social media use and allow us to take a step back to focus on what’s most important to us.

The Stoics believed in cultivating gratitude and acceptance. Instead of constantly comparing ourselves to others on social media, we can focus on what we have and appreciate it. By recognizing our own strengths and accomplishments, we can feel more content and less anxious about how we compare to others.

Find out more about Stoicism

If you’re interested in learning more about Stoicism and how it can help you manage your mental health on social media, consider exploring some of the classic texts like Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Letters from a Stoic by Seneca, or The Enchiridion (Handbook) by Epictetus. You might also find it helpful to seek out a Stoic community, either online or in-person, to connect with others who are exploring these ideas. There are also numerous contemporary authors and resources available on Stoicism that can provide insights and practical applications for modern life.

Another good starting point for you is The Urban Enchiridion, which puts the famous work of Epictetus into modern language.

Save the dates for Stoic Week! Annually, Stoic Week provides courses and activities for adults and students. It’s a great way to learn Stoicism or deepen your knowledge.






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